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This book inspired me to change my entire workout routine and get into the best shape of my life. Exercise has so many benefits including keeping your brain super healthy. Find out why everyone needs to exercise in this book.


I read this book because I wanted  to pick up some secrets of what makes an ultra-marathoner a super resilient machine.  It turns out this book is a story that contains much more information then just running.  This is a great little book to learn more about why humans are built the way we are built.  It also digs into lots of human history.


This is just an amazing little book.  How many time do you say to yourself “I wish I could just remember his name?”  Using this book, I was able to learn the secret to memorizing names, speeches and many other things! 


We all can be our own worst enemy. Our minds tend to blow up situations that are relatively minor into large issues.  We constantly worry, and constantly put ourselves down.   This book is a toolkit on how to battle back against… your own mind.


This is considered to be the most important marketing book ever written. Have ever wanted to know what sales tactics are being used on you?  How would you like to have more confidence walking into a store with commission based salesmen 


I picked up this book to see how I could help my children unleash their “gifts” to the world.  This book goes into deep details about intelligence.  What I love about this book is it goes through different areas of intelligence and provides examples of how to obtain more of it. 


This is a very interesting book that I read in one sitting. It has lots of great ideas about meditation and how to control your own mind.  This is an older book that is considered a classic.


Written by the grandfather of Flow.  Flow is the state of mind you are in when you are completely focused and engaged in the activity you are currently doing.

Learn how to cultivate Flow in this book. 


What does it takes to become great?

What I love about this book is that it gets into the biological details of how myelin is involved creating pathways to allow for "muscle memory"


If you have not read a book by Robert Greene, you must!  Robert Greene intertwines stories of past historical figures such as Einstein, The Wright Brothers and Henry Ford to describe what it takes to become a Master of any domain.


A historical account of the best Seducers to ever grace this Earth. Robert Greene also talks about the different types of seducers and how you can use these skills to better persuade and influence others. Learn about seducers such as Cleopatra, Casanova, and Marilyn Monroe. 


Dive deep into history for a story telling adventure of the most powerful men and woman to ever exist.  This book takes us into the stories of how people such as Napoleon, Julius Caesar and Franklin Roosevelt obtained and maintained power.


James Altucher is one of my favorite bloggers as his stories are so raw. This book lays down the essence of what you need to do to be successful in the new economy and as well provides insight into how to become a better person.  This book dives deep into humiliating experiences that James had to overcome to become a successful author and blogger.


A quick read on the importance of sleep and how to get better sleep immediately.

Most of this information is easily found on Google, but Shawn is able to put the information and studies in one book that is easy to consume (About 150 pages).



There is plenty of scientific proof now that says that Internet is physically changing our brains.  Throughout evolution we went from a species that primary used speaking to communicate, to one that used reading to share knowledge. Today we still speak and read but in a much different way than previous generations.

The Internet has allowed us to look anything up quickly.  With this ability we spend less time learning things with depth.  We are training our brains to be better multi-taskers but we are also losing the ability to think deeply.

This book takes us through what the Internet is doing to our brains.


The latest research on raising kids of all ages.  Some of the topics that this book tackles are:

  • Why kids lie and how often?
  • What is the link between sleep and obesity in children?
  • How to predict whether siblings will get along when they are older?
  • Can you teach your kid to enhance their self-control?



In the past couple of decades, we have seen human performance increase at levels like we have never seen before.  This primary takes place in the little known world of action and adventure sports, where athletes put their lives on the line everyday just to see how far they can push their minds and body.

This book talks about how these athletes get into the FLOW state and how we too can learn how to get into FLOW.